Key notes on company constitution
A contract legally binding between members and members, between members to company and company to members;
To governing the internal management and operations of the company;
Is a business document that, be construed so as to give it reasonable business efficacy;
Constitution supplements to the Act, therefore it is not compulsory to have;
Any clause in constitution that contravenes the Act would be void;
Adoption of a constitution needs a special resolution i.e. at least 75% of the members approve it;
A common seal, if required to have, the use must be govern by company constitution;
Different classes of shares, if required, the information need to state clearly and display prominently in the constitution;
Can use constitution to impose additional rules governing the transfer of shares as well as refusal in the registration of shares <S42(2) read with S106(1)(a)>
Issuance of preference shares required constitution